We will have a world renowned rug hooker, Gene Shepherd, speaking to the Guild on found materials, rug hooking and rug weaving. He is currently the president of the rug hooking group. We are very lucky that he has agreed to do a program for us. Please have a look at his website before the program on March 13th. There is a lot of really interesting information about him and his work in his photo gallery He has done workshops for many years and written several books on rug hooking. He does retreats and dyes a lot of his own unique wool which he sells on his website.
We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts Center. Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open along with optional masks. There will be Zoom for the Business portion only, with camera only for the Program. Start time: 10:30 a.m. (link will be sent out to the membership separately).