Outreach and Teaching
Brooke and Hayley, granddaughters of Wallie Weidhaas, demonstrate during the afternoon session. (See Gallery page for weaving by Brooke.)
Orange County Imaginology
Imaginology is a FREE* annual educational fair designed to focus attention on the positive accomplishments of Orange County Youth. Activities include displays of youth projects, a science and engineering fair, the Centennial Farm gardens and animal pens, cow milking and oxen team demonstrations, hands-on arts and crafts, hay rides, blacksmith and leather-making demos, worm farm, butter-making demos, etc
April 13-14, 2024
*OC Fairgrounds Parking $12
Orange County Fair
The OC Fair showcases the talents and uniqueness of California in a variety of exhibits and displays. During the OC Fair, fairgoers can peruse three acres of raised crop beds and livestock pens (cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits and pigs) and see the diversity of California agriculture. The South Coast Weavers and Spinners Guild demonstrates for one week during the fair. Stop by and say hello and learn all about how different fibers are spun into yarn and then are used to create all kinds of beautiful projects through knitting, crocheting and weaving.
The following list of teachers are available to guild members:
Kay Abbuhl - I am new to the Guild but in Albany, NY, I taught weaving to several groups over the last few years. My emphasis was on the basic process in order to get people comfortable with doing it and then expanding according to their wishes and abilities. Contact Kay at kabbuhl@aol.com
Myla Collier - Info on my website: http://www.mylastapestry.com
Gigi Lenker - I've been a part of this guild since 1997. I teach spinning, beginning basket making, kids spinning and weaving, + kids crochet at Piecemakers Country store in Costa Mesa. Contact: spinningmuse@gmail.com
Jan Larson - Individual and group lessons available/ 3 hour minimum. I offer lessons in weaving to include Rigid Heddle; and introductory to Four and 8 Shaft looms.I also offer spinning lessons and wheel maintenance as well as drop and supported spindling. Additionally, I restore Antique/ Vintage spinning wheels. Please feel free to contact me re assessment of wheel and cost. Contact: Spin.Weave.Knit.Fiberarts@Gmail.com
There are also many good resources to learn online:
Useful information on Embroidery: https://custompins.com/blog/learn-to-embroider-patches-quilts-and-other-fabrics
Craftsy has also has weaving classes to purchase. Long Thread Media, publishers of Spinoff and Weaving Magazines, also offers a library of video courses for purchase. Creativebug.com may have some also. These platforms offer annual subscriptions that are very reasonably priced.
An excellent book for beginning is “Learn to Weave” by Deborah Chandler, which is in the guild library.