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April. General Meeting

From Plymouth Rock to Kyoto: My Unusual Overshot Journey.

Kathleen Waln will be speaking about her personal journey with overshot. She will discuss the history of the structure, including a short diversion on the American Coverlet and its connection to overshot. But the lecture will focus upon her own discoveries with this versatile weaving structure. From a pattern called “The Mayflower” to discussing overshot weaving with a Shibori master in Kyoto Japan, Kathleen’s relationship with overshot is unusual!

Workshop with Kathleen on April 15th

On Tuesday April15, an all-day workshop (9:30 am to 4:00pm) is planned. The workshop will include some more details on Overshot, and is planned as a combined lecture and hands on event. Members may participate at any level but are asked to remain silent during lecture portion. Planned as 3 mini lectures with 3 breaks to share and experiment with each other.
In this beginning workshop, Kathleen will first continue her discussion of the history of the structure as it explains the basics of weaving, and beyond. Time and interest will dictate the other mini lecture topics, Possible topics are tips and tricks for warping and weaving, Ask Kathleen your questions, or exploring more advanced techniques related to overshot: pick up, name draft, woven shibori. For those that want to weave you will need to bring a 4-shaft loom dressed with 5/2 cotton.
The hands-on weaver will get a Workshop Booklet, extra wefts for student use & exploration, and samples of overshot and woven shibori. The fee for this portion is $15. For planning purposes you MUST SIGN UP FOR THIS PART AT THE MARCH MEETING !

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March General Meeting

March 10th Program – Share your Fiber Collection and Fiber Treasures
The February “super” show and share event was so fun that everyone wanted to continue it in March. Once again everyone will get a chance to show what theyhave been doing, go into details about where they have been, or what they have been doing.
In addition to the regular show and share, we will again have a participative event where members bring textiles or fiber items they have gathered in their travels, heirlooms they treasure, or mystery cloth for a fun ‘what is that’? All members are encouraged to join in and contribute to the discussion.

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November General Meeting

November 11 (Veterans Day) Will focus on Textiles and Worship. Meeting will be a field trip to the Congregation B'nai Israel, 2111 Bryan, Tustin. Anne, the Rabi’s wife, will discuss some of the traditions and fiber related items of the Jewish faith. Then we will have a discussion of any religious textiles that members could bring to share.

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September General Meeting

The September guild meeting will be focused on Summer Fun, a ‘show and share' to include summer activities. If you went to a conference, class or special fiber event please let Susan Freeman know the topic, give a short presentation of what you learned or experienced, and you will be eligible for a draw to get your ‘24-‘25 dues paid. In addition to the presentation we will help Margaret H prepare the looms that the Orange County Wood Workers are making (see article in this months newsletter).

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10:00 AM10:00

June General Meeting

  • University Community Center Clubhouse (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The June end of year meeting is being planned as a luncheon. Light lunch will be provided. Bring your own drink. Hot water will be provided for tea drinkers.
Remember meeting will begin at 10 and will not be at the IFAC, instead it will be held at the University Community Clubhouse.

We will be meeting on June 10, at 10am, at:
University Community Center Clubhouse,
4530 Sandburg Way
Irvine, CA 92612

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May General Meeting

The guild program for May will be a workday where you can bring whatever you’re working on and share with the group. It can be a time of catching up or asking questions on your particular project. It’ll be really fun to get to visit and not have so much structure. I hope to see everyone there.

Questions for Rona: Check the roster for contact.

Notice for June: Please note that the June meeting will be moved to the1st Monday of the month , June 3rd, at the request of the IFACenter. The small group Structures meeting will be moved to the 2nd week in June. (10th.)

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April General Meeting

The speaker will be Linda Cortright of Wild Fibers magazine at our April 8th meeting. This will be a Zoom program. We will be meeting at the Irvine Fine Arts Center. We have a nice screen to project onto. You nay discover the Wild Fibers magazine at the link below.

Linda Cortright has a very interesting life story. The link has a lot of good information.

Questions for Rona: Check the roster for contact information or use the website contact link.

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March General Meeting

We will be learning a lot of interesting textile related Craftship from Robin Spady at our March meeting.

Robin Spady:
Couture Passementerie through the Eyes of a Fiber Artist. From Chanel and Balenciaga to the House of Worth and Ralp Lauren, passementerie has been a way to elevate a garment from something ordinary to something extraordinary. What is passementerie? It’s a French term without an English equivalent.

Passementerie encompasses a multitude of techniques used to create embellishments. It includes the creation of buttons, cording, trim, garment closures, braiding, tassels, and much more.

Modern-day uses of passementerie may be found in couture fashions, like the trim edging on French cardigan-style jackets made famous by Coco Chanel and the fashions seen in period films or shows, like Downton Abbey. Passementerie also appears on historical garments, military uniforms, and in high-end home interiors.

In this program, Robyn Spady will share insight into how many couture fashion designers incorporated passementerie into their garments from the perspective of how simple some of the techniques are and how they could be easily recreated and adapted into our own wardrobes.

She has an interesting website at:

Questions for Rona: Please check the roster for contact or if not a member, please use our contact page.

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January General Meeting

We are having a free for all. Just bring your project and plan on working on it in our meeting. It could be anything to do with fiber. Spinning, weaving, Sachiko, embroidery, crochet, or absolutely any handwork you want to spend some time on. It will be fun.

Questions: Rona. Please check the roster for contact, or use the website contact form.

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December General Meeting

Don’t miss the famous annual fiber auction at our guild meeting the second Monday in December at 10:30 am. Remember to bring fiber related items that you think other guild members would enjoy. Bring money to buy tickets. The auction is run like a silent auction by Margie Bell. There will be approximately 20 to 25 lots of items. You buy tickets and put tickets in each of the bags that you would like to win. It is tons of fun. A lot of people go home with new treasures. It’s always an exciting fun day. Don’t miss it. See you there.

Questions: Rona Hamilton:

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November General Meeting

At our November meeting Myla Collier will offer us a chance to sample tapestry by doing one of two Tapestry samples. Loom and thread will be supplied as discussed at the October Guild meeting. Bring your scissors etc. This will give us a great opportunity to expand our fibery knowledge, try something new and potentially use up some yarn store:)

Please go to the website Here you can read about tapestry and Myla’s biography, her artist statement and resume. There is a wealth of information on her website so don’t miss having a look at it.

The business meeting will be from approximately 10:30 to 10:50 and then we will do show and tell. After show and tell, Myla will start her program.

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October General Meeting

October Meeting will not be at the IFAC
The Monday October 9th guild meeting will be held at Susan Upson’s Club house. The Club House address is 4530 Sandburg Way Irvine, CA 92612.

The speaker is Myra Collier. She is a long, long time tapestry weaver. She we bring her many pieces of tapestry art to share with us. She has a wealth of experience and it will be exciting to hear from someone who has decades of experience with tapestry. We will also have time to weave a bracelet. Please go to the website Here you can read about tapestry and Myla’s biography, her artist statement and resume. There is a wealth of information on her website so don’t miss having a look at it. See you at the October meeting at Susans Upson’s club house.

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September General Meeting

September 11th we will have our annual large exciting show and tell. So be sure to bring all your items you haven’t shared that you have worked on over the last year. We will touch on what you did over the summer and especially all the projects you have done. It will be a fun time catching up.

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June General Meeting

  • University Community Center Clubhouse (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Do NOT go to the IFAC for the June 12th meeting!! Our room is not available ! Please check the map for directions and read note below regarding parking.

For our last Guild Meeting of the year we will be hosting our Tea & Scones and Show & Tell Party!

Please Bring: Your own Teacup/mug, Sandwiches enough for 4 people, and all your Show and Tell that has accumulated these last few months!! Everyone has been busy and it will be fun to see all that has been accomplished!

There is parking in adjacent street across from the Library, or in spaces in front of the houses across from the Clubhouse. Please do not park in the Library Lot.

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May General Meeting

Our member, Susan Horton will talk about her background to becoming editor and the transition to Long Thread Media. She will walk us through the start to finish of an issue, and end with how members can get their own projects and articles into Handwoven and Little Looms.

In the link below you can find articles that Susan has written in Handwoven’s on-line Newsletter filled with useful and interesting tips.

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April General Meeting

Sarah Jackson, our own member, will present her colorful samples and guide us through the process of weaving with color in mind.

Sarah graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, concentration in textile design. A nationally known teacher and textile artist, she conducts workshops for guilds and regional conferences that explore color and design in weaving. In January 2012, she joined Handwoven's editorial team as a technical editor, and worked as weaving editor from 2015-2017. Currently, she is designing patterns for and organizing virtual weaving workshops (Weave Along with Sarah Jackson) on Facebook: SarahJacksonHandwovenDesign/

Doors open at 10:15 a.m.

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March General Meeting

We will have a world renowned rug hooker, Gene Shepherd, speaking to the Guild on found materials, rug hooking and rug weaving. He is currently the president of the rug hooking group. We are very lucky that he has agreed to do a program for us. Please have a look at his website before the program on March 13th. There is a lot of really interesting information about him and his work in his photo gallery He has done workshops for many years and written several books on rug hooking. He does retreats and dyes a lot of his own unique wool which he sells on his website.

We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts Center. Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open along with optional masks. There will be Zoom for the Business portion only, with camera only for the Program. Start time: 10:30 a.m. (link will be sent out to the membership separately).

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February General Meeting

For our February meeting we will be having an in-house spinning workshop. Our members, Margie B, Karen F, Jan L, Gigi L, and Claudia M will give a variety of short demonstrations from choosing a fleece to using a drum carder and much in between. So we are in for a treat. If you have questions, or are stuck or want to try out your new piece of spinning equipment bring it along for answers or ideas. Plus bring your spinning wheel, spindle and fiber to spin during the meeting. It’ll be a really fun casual time trading ideas, perhaps be inspired to take up this venerable skill!

We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts Center (doors open at 10:15 a.m.). Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open along with optional masks. The business portion of the meeting will be broadcast via zoom (link to be sent separately to the membership)

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January General Meeting

Margaret Steepleton and Jan Barbieri will give a demonstration on various methods of spinning cotton, dying tips and preparations. If you have a tahkli/spindle or any other cotton related material bring it along to join in and share! Be prepared to try your hand at spinning cotton.

We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts. Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open at 10:15 a.m. Masks are optional.

There will be Zoom connection - details will be emailed to members ahead of time. Start time:10.30 a.m.

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December General Meeting

We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts Center for the December Silent Auction. Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open at 10:15 a.m. along with optional masks.

There will be our Zoom connection for the Business portion only, not for the Silent Auction. Start time: 10:30 a.m. (link will be sent out to members separately).

More about the Silent Auction: Please bring your gently used fiber treasures to put in the auction. These can be spinning tools or fibers, weaving threads or tools or equipment. Anything to do with fiber arts that is gently used. No junk of course. At the beginning of the meeting you can purchase tickets. Margie B. is in charge of the auction. She will let you know who is selling tickets. After you buy your tickets you put them in the bag in front of the item you would like to win. At the conclusion of the auction Margie will shake the bag and somebody will pull out a ticket. If that ticket matches the ticket you have in your hand you have one that item. It is a ton of fun. Please bring treasures and money to purchase tickets to the December auction meeting.

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November General Meeting

November’s program includes a lecture on Shibori by Kathleen Huntington Waln, as well as a program later in the month at Margaret S’s house.

Shibori: a Journey with Cloth

We all have a story about how we started weaving. Some of us began our journey with fabric as a child, others have waited until retirement from our work-a-day lives to find the time to weave cloth. But no doubt, we all have a specific “something” that guided us to create textiles.

For me, shibori played a large part in my journey as a weaver/dyer/creator.

Shibori roughly translates “to wring, squeeze or press” – an aesthetic tie dye. When you create with shibori, you end up with fabric with a dyed resist of your woven or stitched pattern. I’ve always been interested in the Japanese domestic cloth called “noren” which are fabric dividers hung in doorways, across windows, on walls or between rooms. They take many shapes and sizes and are made using a multitude of different colors, shibori patterns and materials.

Although I’ve discussed traditional and woven shibori in guild programs of the past, I’ll focus this talk with stories of shibori: a little history; a little about noren; and a bit more about my experiences with this intriguing decorative technique.

About Kathleen Huntington Waln

Kathleen has been working with fiber & fabric for over forty years, first as a theatre educator and costume designer and more recently as a fabric designer. She has been dyeing, spinning, and weaving for over twenty-five years. Her passions include Shibori, Ikat and researching the history of the fabric arts. She enjoys making connections between her field and larger cultural patterns, an

interest that dates back to her years as a university professor and costume historian. She now teaches at the Charter Oak Weaving and Spinning class in Covina, which is famous for it’s 100 looms in one large room! She also harvests her own wild, organic cotton trees and loves to dye and spin their yield. Kathleen holds a MFA in Theatrical Design from the University of Texas at Austin where her love of weaving began.

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10:30 AM10:30

September General Meeting

We will meet in person at the Irvine Fine Arts. Please plan on joining us, there is plenty of space and doors will be open along with optional masks.

The September guild meeting is going to be an exciting reunion. We will have time to talk and do the Big Show and Tell. Please bring all your works of art to share! We can all catch up on what we have done over the summer and what we have been working on. We will have plenty of time to touch base with each other and meet new members.

Doors open at 10:15 a.m. For those wishing to join virtually, the Zoom link will be emailed to the membership in advance of the meeting.

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May General Meeting

Marty Ornish will be our May presenter and here are her viewing addresses for you to check out in advance:



In-Person at the IFA will be 10.15 a.m (with masks)

Zoom Meeting : at 10.30 a.m. (link will have been sent to the membership ahead of the meeting)

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10:30 AM10:30

April General Meeting

We will again be having an ‘in-person’ gathering at the Irvine Fine Arts this month. However we will also be running the business portion of the meeting meeting as a Zoom interface so we will be able engage with you all. But the in-house program will not be on Zoom.

In-Person at the IFA will be 10.15 a.m (with masks)

Zoom Meeting : at 10.30 a.m. (link will have been sent to the membership ahead of the meeting)

For the April program we are going to host a in- person WIP workshop! There will be no program per-se, just getting together with our wheels, portable looms, knitting, crochet, embroidery, knotting (macrame), needle felting (bring your own bandaids), beading, and lots and lots fiber and embellishments. We will work, chat, exchange ideas and enjoy each other’s company for as long as we like (we have the space till 2 PM).

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10:30 AM10:30

March General Meeting

We will again be having an ‘in-person’ gathering at the Irvine Fine Arts on March 14th. However we will also be running the meeting as a Zoom interface so we will be able engage with you all. As the Program is in-house visibility maybe a little tricky but still on Zoom. Please note that the IFA entrance and Zoom access times have changed.

In-Person at the IFA will be 10.15 a.m (with masks)

Zoom Meeting : at 10.30 a.m. (link will have been sent to the membership ahead of the meeting)

The February program will be on portable weaving. Members of the former Small Looms group (now Tapestry & Small Looms Interest Group) will bring in an assortment of looms designed for on-the-go weaving. We will discuss why one type might be chosen over another, and there will be opportunities to weave on some looms you might not have tried before!

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