February Program – What is that mystery fabric?
By popular demand the theme will be “super” show and share event. This month everyone will get a chance to show what they have been doing, go into details about where they have been, or what they have been doing. Bring any fiber related items. The program will be a participative event where members can bring textiles or fiber items they have gathered in their travels, heirlooms they treasure, or mystery cloth for fun ‘what is that’? Pam F will help facilitate and bring some books to help identify fabric and the stories they hold. All members are encouraged to to join in and contribute to the discussion.
NOTE: Balancing programs, business meetings and show and share is often difficult. Sometimes show and share time have been sacrificed for the program due to limited time. It is understood that members always have time challenges that may draw them away from the meeting early, or they choose not to return after break. I am asking for courtesy for members to remain, if possible, after break to give everyone a chance toshare, vs presenting to an empty room. The guild does have the room until 2pm so….